Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Suen, Anastasia. Wired. Illustrated by: Paul Carrick. Charlesbridge: 2007. ISBN: 978-1-57091-599-4.

Wired is a story about how electricity is made and goes to your house. Electricity is made at a dam when water spins a turbine. The electricity goes to a step-up transformer and makes 345,000 volts! The electricity then goes to a step-down transformer to make 13,000 volts which goes to your house. The electricity goes to a service panel and then into switched and outlets all over your house. I think the book Wired is an informational book about electricity, because if explains how its made and how it gets to your house. I think this book would be good for third graders and anyone who likes electrical science.

Reviewed by: K.I., Grade 5, Arcadia Elementary.

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