Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pennies in a Jar

Chaconas, Dori. Pennies in a Jar. Atlanta: Peachtree, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-36145-422-8

Pennies in a Jar is about a boy's father who goes off to war and the boy wants to give his father the best birthday present. This boy saves up money for the present. The boy is very afraid of horses and everyday he watches the horses go by his house. Then one day the little boy finds the perfect present. Pennies in a Jar is a good book for kids in the grades 3-6. The illustrations are wonderful and attracted me more to the book. Some thing that caught me off guard is when he saw the ragman and his horse walk by and when the ragman asked him to feed the horse a carrot he didn't, but then at the end on the letter it said the boy fed him a carrot, so I was confused.

Reviwed by M.F. 7th Grade, Van Buren

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