Thursday, June 19, 2014

Battle Magic

Pierce, Tamora. Battle Magic. New York, NY : Scholastic Press, 2013.

This story is the continuation o he adventures of the characters in the Circle of Magic universe. This book follows characters Briar, Rosethorn, and Evvy as they journey through Evvy's homeland and encounter a cruel Emperor set on conquering the region.

The style of the book is one which is easy to sink into. When the point of view switches characters, the personality and thought processes of the character are conveyed through the writing. The story is able to shift through different times smoothly. Also, I loved the descriptions of magic in this series.

I wasn't thrilled by cover art of the copy I read.

I thought this book was an excellent continuation of a series I grew reading. It is a series I would recommend for any young fantasy readers. However, it should be noted that the later books contained more adult elements. This book includes war, torture, and a mentioning of romantic actions.

Age ranges to which this book would appeal: 14 to 17. 

Reviewer: MKB

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