Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Jo MacDonald Hiked in the Woods

Quattlebaum, Mary, and Laura J. Bryant. Jo Macdonald Hiked in the Woods. Nevada City, CA: Dawn Publications, 2013.

This story is very similar to the song Old MacDonald had a Farm, but focuses on forest animals instead.
The author's writing is parallel to Old MacDonald had a farm except she uses different animals. The words create a sound effect like "Hoo" or "Rat-tat" that enforce phonological awareness.
The illustrations are visually representative of a forest community. The colors are earthy and soft.
I recommend this book particularly to kindergarten and first graders.  It was a fun book and could easily be sung along too!  The back has a glossary of forest guided words. A great book to incorporate when learning about the forest, forest animals, or sound effects and vowels in Language Arts.

Reviewer: EmkAsh

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