Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ox, House, Stick :The History of our Alphabet

Robb, Don. Ox, House, Stick :The History of our Alphabet. Illustrated by Anne Smith. Charlesbridge: 2007. ISBN 9781570916090. Ages 5 to Adult.

It is a really good book and I hope kids like it as much as I do. It is fun and exciting. The book is about letters and how they can be written differently. It is a really fun book. This is really different than all the other alphabet books I have ever read. It is really good. When I was reading and looking at the pictures, it made me think about history and old times. I loved it and want to keep this book. If you like history, this book is for you. The art was funny and cool. I loved this book because it is the best book I have ever read.

Reviewed by K. G. Bluffton 5th grade.

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