Thursday, July 03, 2014

The Dinosaur Tooth Fairy

The Dinosaur Tooth Fairy
By Martha Brockenbrough, illustrated by Israel Sanchez
New York:  Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013, Ages 4-7

The story is about a dinosaur tooth fairy who ventures to get a little girl's tooth. The dinosaur wants this tooth because it is much different and much smaller than a dinosaur's tooth.

The author's writing style is repetitive and confusing to follow.  The illustrations are kid-friendly and childish, but also confusing to follow.

I did not really enjoy this story because the text is not easy to follow and would be hard for a young child to understand. Readers must still believe in the tooth fairy, but understand figurative language and have a fairly stable awareness of semantic knowledge.

--review by EmKAsh

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