Monday, July 17, 2006

Once Upon an Ordinary School Day

McNaughton, Colin. Once Upon an Ordinary School Day. Illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. $16.00. Ages 4-8.

This book called, Once Upon an Ordinary School Day, by Colin McNaughton and Satoshi Kitamura was awesome! It was awesome because at first the ordinary boy did his ordinary thing he did in the morning. The ordinary boy got to school after the ordinary bell rang. He went inside and thinking something ordinary was going to happen. Mr. Gee came in and had the class listen to music and write their own opinion of what the music was like to them. The ordinary boy was soon out of the ordinary because the music changed him.

I think that you should read this book because it is great entertainment and has good detail. Don’t leave this book on the shelf, pick it up and read!

E.B., Fairfield Elementary, Maumee, Ohio.

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