Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Dunrea, Olivier. Peedie. Houghton Mifflin, 2004. ISBN 0618356525. $9.95. Ages 4-8.

I liked that he lost his cap. I like that he has a red baseball cap. I like the end because he found his cap on the egg. I like that he has to turn the egg. I like that he does not finish his food. I didn’t like when he forgets things. I would change that he didn’t find the cap on the egg. Because I want to make it funnier…that his mom was wearing it! If a kid dropped this book a gosling might pick it up and read it too! I recommend that my mom read this because she would like the end.

D. M., Glendale-Feilbach Elementary, Toledo Public Schools, Toledo, Ohio

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