Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hunwick's Egg

Fox, Mem. Hunwick’s Egg. Illustrated by Pamela Lofts. Harcourt Children’s Books, 2005. ISBN 0152163182. $16.00. Ages 4-8.

I like Hunwick’s Egg because he didn’t leave the egg- he cared for it! He kept it safe. I didn’t like when they kept repeating, “How come that egg won’t hatch?” I though he would have friends at the beginning. I would recommend this book to all the little kids who like bandicoots. I would change the part when he was in the desert all alone with nobody with him. And when they said “Poor Hunwick.” I like to care for things like my dog, cat, and my hamsters.

N. L., Glendale-Feilbach Elementary, Toledo Public Schools, Toledo, Ohio

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