Friday, May 16, 2008

The Tale of Pale Male: A True Story

Winter, Jeanette. The Tale of Pale Male: A True Story. Harcourt: 2007. ISBN: 9780152059729.

The book The Tale of Pale Male is about a red-tailed hawk that found a mate named Lola. They built a nest in New York City on top of a tall building. A bunch of bird watchers stopped to watch the beautiful sight. Pale Male went to get food for the mother-to-be (Lola). The people that lived in the tall building got frustrated because of all the droppings from the red-tailed hawks had fallen down to the balcony below them. As Spring came, everyone started to watch more and more and soon they saw the baby chicks. Pale Male and Lola started to teach their chicks. Then, some mean people took their nest down... What happens next?

This book was very good and interesting. It is full of nature and animals. It would be good for 2nd grade and up.

Reviewed by A.S., Van Buren 7th Grade

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