The story is about a boy who stumbles upon a mystery that no one has ever fully solved. He follows a mysterious tape recorder that gives him clues that helps him in his attempts. Going into places before, he will learn that he is is not only living in one world.

The illustrations are top notch. They show emotion where it is needed. The words that are different from the regular font helps the readers, read with different character voices and roles that are portrayed in the story. The best part are the black background pages because it clearly indicates it is a different story.
The book was different because not many people read books in comic book form. The story was interesting and I did not want to put the book down. I recommend it to kids who are visual learners because there are plenty of images, but just the right amount of reading. There is one violent part part and one part that might scare children. Anyone over the age of 11 should be ok.
Reviewer: Aaron Smart
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