Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Year at the Pier

Wayland, April Halprin. New Year at the Pier. Dial Books for Young Readers: 2009. ISBN: 9780803732797.

New Year at the Pier is about a boy named Izzy and his family. They are celebrating Rosh Hashanah, so they list all of the wrongs they have committed in the past year. After apologizing for these wrongs, they go to the Pier to "cleanse their hearts" in a ceremony called Tashlich. The artwork in the book was very amazing. There were bright colors, and the details were very well done. The illustrator used water colors to create the characters. I loved that because it makes the scene and characters look very unique.
I thought this story was a very cute way of telling what people do for Rosh Hashanah. I wish the author could have made the story more exciting, because the story didn't really catch my attention.

E.S., 7th Grade, Eastwood Middle School

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