Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Gulliver Snip

Kay, Julia. Gulliver Snip. Henry Holt: 2008. ISBN: 9780805079920.

This is a story about a boy named Gulliver Snip who had a clipper ship but it is really a bathtub! Gulliver pretends he is a pirate and he does really crazy and wild things. The pictures in the book are very funny, interesting and colorful. The best part of the book is when Gulliver 's clipper ship sunk so he went into a packing trunk and pretended he was going down a waterfall, but he was really going down a set of stairs! I would recommend this book to my little brother because he really likes picture books, and I think it would be a very interesting book for him. This is the best picture book I ever read.

B.S. Third grade, Elmhurst Elementary School

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