Kroll, Virgina. Ryan Respects. Illustrated by Paige Billin-Frye. Albert Whitman Company, 2006. ISBN 9780807569467. $15.95. Ages 4-8.
Kroll introduces the reader to Ryan, a fun loving child who walks to school with Amy everyday. Throughout the story, Kroll modestly addresses respect issues Ryan initiates with classmates. She talently weaves the plot together to result in a book that teaches children the meaning of respect. Kroll uses several similes and is able to rhyme words to make the text flow just right. Her use of easy reading words as well as more advanced words can lead the book to be more challenging at times. The extremely detailed illustrations are unique, colorful, and interesting to children. They are emotionally satisfying and portray most every culture. This is done by the unique detail such as texture, color choice and facial expressions on characters throughout the story. Every child will have a wonderful time flipping through the pages of this story. This book is perfect for children because it is an enjoyable easy read while secretly portraying the moral of respect.
Hayley Flaum, BGSU student
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