Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dear Tooth Fairy

Karen Gray Ruelle Dear Tooth Fairy. 32pp/Holiday House 2006 ISBN 0-8234-1929-0 $14.95 (Grades 1-2)

Once again, Karen Gray Ruelle brings to life the fun-loving kittens Emily and Harry. In Dear Tooth Fairy, Emily, the smallest kitten, is preparing to lose her first tooth and readers follow her through all of her attempts to get in contact with the Tooth Fairy. Ruelle takes readers back to losing their first tooth through her descriptive language and detailed, colorful pictures. The story is a great book for readers who are afraid of losing teeth and who are unsure of what the Tooth Fairy may have in store for them. The book will keep the attention of primary elementary students with the brightly colored pictures and humorous storyline.

Amanda Miller, BGSU student

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