Friday, June 20, 2014

Surfing Safari

McKenzie, Precious, and Marc Mones. Surfing Safari. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Educational Media, 2013. 

In this story the children go on a surfing adventure.  When they start paddling out to sea, they notice what look to be fins.  As they paddle closer they make a surprising discovery.
The author has a lot of commentary between the camp advisor and the children.
The illustrations are very bright and colorful.  They are also cartoon-like and children love them.
I do recommend it to kids because it was funny and seemed like a real-life situation so kids will love it.  The illustrations grab your attention so that will attract the children.  The text is very easy to read so first - fourth grade would be perfect.
This book would appeal to ages 6-9

Reviewer: BA

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