Monday, July 20, 2009

It's a Baby Cheetah

Doudna, Kelly. It’s a Baby Cheetah!. ABDO Publishing Company: 2009. ISBN: 9781604531510.

It's a Baby Cheetah!, an inviting non-fiction story in the “It’s a Baby …” animal series is a gorgeous pictorial representation of life of a cheetah from birth to adulthood. Kelly Doudna does an excellent job anticipating information that will spark the interest of the young readers this book targets. Even readers with a limited ability will be drawn in by the simple text and vivid photography. The photos depict the information the text wishes to convey and enhances its meaning. Little “extras”, factoids about the cheetah, weave throughout the pages that enhance the information that is being highlighted. I especially liked the “Fun Fact” at the end of the story that relates the cheetah’s non-retractable claws to something that children are familiar with, sports cleats. The author has also included a vocabulary list of 11 words for an independent reader in need of a little more information. There is also a single page of “vitals” about the cheetah that engage the reader in the information the text will provide. The beautiful close-up photography allows the reader to experience the world of the cheetah first hand. Any reader will be captivated and drawn in to the life of the cheetah.

Sue Tressel, Bowling Green State University, EDTL 6950

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