Krull, Kathleen, Paul Brewer, and Stacy Innerst. The Beatles Were Fab (and They Were Funny). , 2013.

This story is a timeline of different events during "Beatlemania". I love the Beatles and their music, but this book really taught me some of the things John, Paul, George and Ringo went through during this time. This book talks about the good times and the bad times they went through.
The author's writing style is exceptional. It's very informative but fun and enjoyable to read. I loved the facts about their band name, song styles, and how the Beatles interacted with each other. It was so interesting to read about the relationship between the four men and how they handled the fame.
I absolutely loved the illustrations. Some of the pictures are pretty trippy which fits perfectly for this time era. The pictures are a great demonstration of the main points the book focuses on. I really enjoyed looking at the pictures and the detail that is provided.
I definitely recommend this book to anyone young or old. I can see myself reading this book to my future children so that they know about this great era of music. I can also see myself reading this book to a classroom of high school seniors. It's a great book with very cool information.
Reviewer: AZ